Discover True Peace

crowd of people

Take a look at the world today and you will see that most people are preoccupied with their own activities; with fulfilling their own needs. What is it that they are searching for?

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images of weath, family, young person in dispair and a joyful woman

Are they searching for

  • more money and possessions?
  • meaningful relationships?
  • release from the burdens of life?
  • more happiness and joy?

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The key to understanding what everyone is seeking to accomplish in their lives is wholeness; a feeling of completeness. For as we examine our human condition we discover we are not complete. We all have a number of basic needs and we spend our whole lives trying to fulfill the needs and become whole.

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image of the hebrew word shalom

There is a word in the Hebrew language that expresses this concept of wholeness. It is the word for peace, shalom. The meaning of the word shalom is more than just tranquility or an absence of conflict. It means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, safety soundness, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. And the root verb of shalom means to be complete, perfect and full so that there is nothing missing and nothing is broken. 

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incomplete puzzle

Often our lives resemble this incomplete puzzle. Many of the pieces are missing. This is due to the fact that seek wholeness from the wrong sources such as from drugs or alcohol, such in the case of several famous entertainers who died at a young age. Or from dishonest or deceptive practices (lying, cheating or stealing) in our personal or professional lives or from living an immoral lifestyle.

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image illustrating separation

The source of incompleteness in our lives is due to sin, this is our way of living apart from God that does not measure up to his standards. It is our sin which has separated us from our true source of wholeness which is found in God and through his son Jesus.

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God sharing his life with us

It was God’s intention when he created mankind to share his life with us; his eternal life which is more than just a long life. It is a quality of life; a full and satisfying life. It is the God kind of life that we can only experience through a relationship with him.

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Jesus came to bring us the wholeness that we are searching for by restoring our relationship to God through his death on the cross. When God created the first man and woman they allowed sin into their lives by disobeying God and we as a result make the same bad choice of not following God’s ways. That keeps us separated from the God who is our source for wholeness. Jesus made it possible for a restored relationship to God by paying the penalty for our sin and disobedience on the cross. The Bible tells us “But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans 5:8. Jesus took our place as the Bible tells us, “For him [Jesus] who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God,” 2 Corinthians 5:21.

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a restored relationship

As a result can receive forgiveness for our sin and a restored relationship with God so that we can partake of his life of wholeness; the life that Jesus came to give to us,

“I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly,” John 10:10.

Thus there is a remedy for our lack of wholeness through Jesus’ his death on the cross.

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no more missing pieces

Now look what happens when we apply this principle to our lives. When we allow Jesus into our lives and yield ourselves to him, he can fill all those broken and empty places that we cannot fill ourselves. He can satisfy our unfulfilled longings so that we can continue and thrive even when we are experiencing lack, suffering or mistreatment. He can bring healing and comfort to our pain and emptiness. And then one day when we look at ourselves and discover that he has taken away all the brokenness and incompleteness. He and not ourselves has made us whole.

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So what will you do now? Do you want to discover true peace and wholeness though a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ? To do so you only have pray a simple prayer where you:
Repent, that is to make a decision to change your direction, from going toward sin to going toward God
That you confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord
And that you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
And this is base on a promise we find in the New Testament, Romans 10:9,10, “…that if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

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paryer to receive Jesus

When you pray this prayer, understand what is most important is not the words that you say but that you truly mean these things in your heart. If this is what you want then pray these words out loud:
Lord Jesus
I recognize my incompleteness, my disobedience and my sin.
I no longer want to pursue my own path to completeness.
And I change the direction of my life to following after God through you Lord Jesus.
I confess you Jesus as my Lord and Savior,
You are the one whom I believe in my heart that God raised from the dead.
I receive now your forgiveness for my sin and your gift of eternal life.
Thank you Jesus. Amen.

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an imortant decision

You have just made an important decision that will affect the course of the rest of your life. The are great benefits in store for you. Yet your life will not be free of difficulties or disappointments. But you will never be alone and you will never be without hope. You now have a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that will make a difference in your life now and in the eternity to come. Thus you need to learn to get the most of your new relationship with God.

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He wants you to learn about him and the promises that are yours by reading and studying his word, the Bible.
He wants to spend time with you through worship and prayer. And the best place to learn to do that is with other believers in a church. A local church is where you can connect with other believers, be taught the teaching of Christ and grow spiritually.

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Copyright: vapi / 123RF Stock Photo

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